Paul has over 25 years’ experience advising government, principals, developers, contractors and consultants on a broad range of major infrastructure, development, construction, engineering and service projects. In addition to providing front and back-end legal services, Paul provides procurement, structuring and project model and delivery advice. Paul advises on the allocation and management of risk and prepares and negotiates project documentation, including contract, tender and other procurement documentation. Paul also advises clients on the ongoing management and administration of contracts and the resolution of disputes.
Paul is also a long-term probity practitioner, having been appointed to Commonwealth, State and local government probity and procurement panels, and having acted as probity adviser in relation to Commonwealth, State and local government projects in relation to numerous significant infrastructure and asset development projects. Paul regularly acts for local government as probity advisor and auditor in relation to other significant, complex and high-risk projects.
Paul has delivered numerous probity and procurement training programs as well as seminars and training on all topics relevant to and impacting our clients. He has also developed numerous suites of template project, contract, procurement and probity documentation and guidelines. As a specialist probity and procurement practitioner, Paul is often called upon to advice on investigations into corrupt conduct in local government and to implement recommendations arising from such investigations, from training to policy and procedures.